
Top Elevators Design Size DWG

Designing an elevator can be a tough job. Not every elevator is the same, and it varies on the usage as well as the requirement of the project. Elevators will be different for small buildings, and skyscrapers, for carrying weights. Having a good Elevator design size will minimize your efforts and help you plan what to do in advance.

But how to plan a design? Worry not, this article will guide you with some tips to help you plan the design of the elevator. Not only this, but we will also be listing some of the top elevator companies that you can go for to get your elevator designed and built. Read this article to know more.

How to Plan the Design of an Elevator?

When working on a building project, building an elevator is a crucial part of the project that must be taken care of. You need to implement this part of the project carefully, as it not only requires high-level expertise, but attention to detail, as well as proper design to function properly as it should. When planning an elevator you will have to take care of the features, safety, reliability, and the affordability.

The design of the elevator is not the same for all the projects, it depends on a lot of factors like the dimensions of the building, the number of people who will be using it at a time, etc. Here are some things that you must keep in mind when planning the design of the elevator-

1. Start Designing When Planning the Project

The elevator design must be planned when planning the whole project. Elevator designing requires attention to detail and you cannot do it halfway through a project or at the end of your project. Also, it is crucial to not rush the process of designing the elevator.

Starting early is intended to allow for careful planning of the elevator, taking into account every potential risk. Rushing the whole process can lead to missing out on minute details that can be catastrophic to the whole project.

2. Know What the Elevator will be Used for

You also need to know what the elevator will be used for and how frequently will be used. You need to think about factors like if an elevator is utilized for weightlifting in gyms, carrying heavy goods in stores, or moving people from one floor to another in buildings.

You can prepare a list of questions that answer the use of the elevator. This should include-

  • Will the elevator be used for lifting heavy items like cars, weights, construction materials, etc?
  • Who will be using the elevator, and at what time will it be used the most?
  • How long will be the building for which you need an elevator?
  • How many elevators do you need for the building?

There are more questions that you can add to the list and that will define the use of the elevator for the project.

Take Care of the Aesthetics

The next thing that must be taken care of is the aesthetics of the elevator. You must choose the aesthetics of the elevator depending on who will be using it as well as the complete aesthetics of the building/location. The elevator’s design has to complement the building’s design.

There are a lot of elements that you can include in your elevator. Many buildings have the transparent shell of the elevator, whereas some have walls with mirrors. You can also set up carpet and roof or elevator to match the aesthetics.

Elevator Type

Another important aspect of designing an elevator is choosing the type of elevator that you will be using. There are various types of elevators that you can go for, such as

  • Passenger Elevator
  • Service Elevator
  • Freight Elevator
  • Dubmwaiter Elevator, and more

You will have to look into different options available and what fits best as per your requirements. This will depend on the use of the elevator as well as the design of the building.

Don’t Forget to Take Care of Safety and Regulations

When planning for the elevator you will have to take care of the safety of people using it. You must plan on adding safety features to elevators like emergency lighting, emergency brakes, door interlocks, and more. You should decide on the size limits, power usage, and routine maintenance of the elevators.

It is essential to comply with the safety regulations when planning an elevator. You must meet all the safety codes and standards so that the elevator you build is safe to use.

Top 5 Elevator Companies Worldwide

A good elevator company can meet your project requirements and provide you with the best of solution that fits in the budget. Choosing a reliable company is essential, as a good company will keep up with your budget and take care of all the features and safety compliance within your budget. Here is a list of some of the best elevator companies worldwide-

1. Mitsubishi Electric

Mitsubishi Electric is a Japanese brand that was established back in 1921. They specialize in building different types of elevators including hydraulic, machine room-less, conventional gearless elevators, etc. They build elevators for every use-case including passenger, freight, and service. Not only Mitsubishi builds elevators but they also take care of the maintenance and repair of the elevators. The technology they rely on ensures the elevators have a maximum life cycle.


OTIS is one of the oldest brands that is best known for manufacturing elevators, escalators, and more. They build different types of elevators including low-rise elevators, mid-rise elevators, high-rise elevators, and more. Not only this, but you can also get your elevators modernized by them. This is a renowned brand for elevators and also the first brand to ever build an elevator safety system.

3. Hyundai Elevator

If you are looking for a brand with reliable options then you can consider going for Hyundai Elevator. Their elevators are known to be one of the fastest elevators in the market. The best thing about choosing Hyundai Elevator is that you can make your designs and experience them in 3D with a VR catalog. They have solutions for buildings as well as marine elevators.


The next elevator company that we have on this list is KONE. This is a Finish company that specializes in building elevators, escalators, as well as automatic building door solutions. They also take care of the maintenance of the elevators as well as the modernization of the lifts you plan to build. KONE builds elevators for every type of building including low-rise buildings, mid-rise buildings, and even skyscrapers.

Common Elevatore Size Drawings

Here are some commonly used sizes and lift drawings for your refrence. For, final shaft sizes and cabin specifications, you must visit related elevator providers website or you may visit their outlets.

These are some reftence for nomenclature and annotation of elevator planning.

Know more about,

Bottom Line

In today’s date, there are different type of elevators available for every purpose. Designing a reliable and safe elevator is a crucial part of the project. You can follow the steps mentioned in the article to get an idea of how to plan the elevator. Also, if you are looking to hire the best elevator company for your project then you can refer the list of best elevator companies mentioned in this list.