
Common Items You Shouldnt Pack When Using Moving Companies

A new home move may be both exciting and intimidating. One of the most important steps towards settling into your new home is the process of packing up your valuables and giving them to a moving company. While moving firms provide a practical and effective way to move your belongings, it’s important to remember that not everything can be transported. There are certain items moving companies won’t transport due to safety, legal, or practical reasons. It’s essential to be aware of these things and make suitable plans for their shipment if you want to guarantee a simple and trouble-free moving process.

Before delving into the list of common items that moving companies typically won’t transport, it’s worth exploring the reasons behind these restrictions. Moving companies prioritize the safety of their personnel, the integrity of their equipment, and compliance with regulations. This means that certain items are considered too hazardous, fragile, or valuable to be transported under standard moving conditions. It’s always a good idea to check with your chosen moving company about their specific policies regarding prohibited items.

Now, let’s take a closer look at some common items you shouldn’t pack when using moving companies:

  1. Hazardous Materials

Moving companies prioritize safety for their movers and the environment by imposing stringent rules against transporting hazardous materials. Substances like gasoline, propane tanks, paints, and pesticides, known for their flammability and explosiveness, are strictly prohibited for transport due to the inherent risks they pose. To adhere to safety regulations, it’s crucial to avoid packing these items and instead opt for proper disposal methods or alternative means of transportation that align with safety guidelines. By doing so, you help ensure a secure and responsible moving process while safeguarding both people and the surroundings.

  1. Perishable Foods

While it might be tempting to pack your pantry contents, perishable foods are generally discouraged. Items like fresh produce, frozen goods, and refrigerated items are susceptible to spoilage during transit, leading to unpleasant odors and potential damage to other belongings. Perishable foods should ideally be eaten before the transfer or donated.

  1. Valuables and Important Documents

Items of significant monetary or sentimental value, such as jewelry, cash, collectibles, and important documents (e.g., passports, wills, deeds), are best kept with you during the move. Although moving companies strive to provide secure transport, the risk of loss or damage is higher for irreplaceable items.

  1. Plants

Many moving companies have restrictions on transporting plants, especially across state lines or international borders. Plants may carry pests or diseases that can harm ecosystems in different regions. Additionally, the conditions of a moving truck may not be suitable for preserving the health of plants during the journey. Consider gifting or selling your plants before moving.

  1. Pets

Just like plants, pets are not suitable for transport by moving companies. Pets require specialized care and attention during a move, and subjecting them to the stress of being transported in a moving truck is not recommended. Make arrangements to keep your pets safe and comfortable during the moving process.

  1. Firearms and Ammunition

Moving firearms and ammunition requires adherence to strict legal regulations. It’s essential to research and comply with federal, state, and local laws when transporting firearms. Moving companies may have their own policies regarding the transport of firearms, so be sure to discuss this aspect with them.

  1. Cleaning Chemicals

Cleaning supplies containing chemicals that are hazardous to human health or the environment should not be packed for transport. Consider using or properly disposing of these items before the move to ensure safety.

  1. Large Furniture or Appliances

While moving companies can handle furniture and appliances, there are limitations based on size and weight. Additionally, some companies may charge extra for moving exceptionally heavy or bulky items. It’s a good idea to discuss these details with the moving company beforehand.

  1. Items of Sentimental Value

Items that hold deep sentimental value, such as family heirlooms, may be safer in your care. Accidents can happen during transit, and the loss of an irreplaceable item can be heartbreaking. If possible, carry these items with you or explore alternative transport methods.

  1. Restricted or Illegal Items

It should go without saying, but items that are restricted or illegal to transport should never be packed. This includes illicit substances, stolen property, and items that violate local or international laws.

Final Thoughts

When preparing for a move with the assistance of a moving company, it’s essential to be aware of the items they may refuse to transport. Prioritize the safety of your belongings, the movers, and the environment by following the guidelines provided by the moving company. Properly disposing of hazardous materials, consuming perishable foods, and making alternative arrangements for valuables are crucial steps in ensuring a successful and stress-free move. By understanding and respecting the limitations set by moving companies, you can look forward to settling into your new home with peace of mind.